Fitness Classes

Your heart gets stronger with exercise!
Establishing a progressive exercise program will build fitness and functional capacity.

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At HeartFit For Life, you can personalize your fitness program by choosing live online classes, in-person classes or a blend of both under the careful supervision of specially trained registered nurses.

Flexibility and Convenience

With HeartFit For Life you can exercise at the gym or online from the comfort of your home. Depending on your location and schedule you can mix and match, and keep up with your exercise goals. No matter if in-person or online you will feel welcome by our friendly and supportive staff.

Our gym is located at the Cubberley Community Center in Palo Alto, California. An accessible parking area is located next to our entrance. Our center is equipped with a variety of equipment for cardio workout and muscle strengthening.

wrote a letter to his doctor and said: “I’ve followed your prescriptions and your suggestions. Sometimes it had been difficult to do. But that is where the HeartFit For Life comes in: they are wonderful at seeing that your advice is followed. It is more than an exercise program. It is more than a “nagging” program. It is a group of individuals who help each other follow their doctor’s advice to stay healthy.”


Group Classes for All Abilities

You are encouraged to attend at least three cardio exercise classes per week. In addition to cardiovascular workout, each class incorporates muscle-strengthening exercises, using weights, resistance bands, or body weight. A trained fitness instructor leads each session, which consists of a warmup, 20-30 minutes of aerobic workout at individual target heart rates, followed by strengthening, stretching, and relaxation exercises. Our cardiac nurses supervise each session, onsite and online, and monitor your progress and help you stay on track with your goals and feel safe.

You can join a variety of classes from cardio fitness, drumming, to chair aerobics. In addition to cardio classes, we offer specialized classes to help with your balance, strengthening, and flexibility.

My exercise classes at CTF were extremely helpful and I would not be in such good health without. CTF has not only helped me physically by providing a protected exercise space but also emotionally in dealing with my fears. CTF and many of its members were real confidence boosters and made me able to regain the discipline needed to stay healthy in the future.



In-Person Gym Class Schedule
All In-Person classes include aerobic exercise, resistive training, stretching, and relaxation.


Online Zoom Class Schedule
Cardio Fit
Cardio Fit
Cardio Fit
Cardio Fit
Cardio Fit
Chair Aerobics
Chair Aerobics
Strength, Stretch,
& Balance
Strength, Stretch,
& Balance
Cardio Fit
Cardio Fit
Cardio Fit classes include aerobic exercise, resistive training, stretching, and relaxation.

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